Amazon Cloud Hosting

Cloud Hosting

Increase your website load speed, strengthen security, improve performance and reduce spendings in one place.

As a leading cloud hosting company provider in Qatar, we take care of the entire server management. If you need to configure the server, check security, change or improve anything – just let us know and consider it done.

Regardless of your industry, our platform offers you to store content in the cloud so our AWS wizards build a static website, locate a web application, run data and compute intensive workloads by building dependable backup solutions that are feasible for all business in Qatar. Akwad tackles the powers of AWS Cloud Computing to build a unique offer that integrates flexibility, scalability and potential of Amazon’s robust cloud platform.

AWS-Amazon Web Services is a series of cloud computing platform offered by Amazon – Akwad in Qatar, as one of the best cloud hosting company, drives, implicit computing resources for large-scale, decentralized deployment of services offering great deal of flexible functions and scalability along with storage solutions.

Get in touch to secure you dedicated Server

Powerful ground for business growth

We provide solutions that meet your business needs and maintain its constant growth
Engage more clients
Choose AWS data center which is closer to your customers to significantly increase the load speed and compete for local search.
Grow anytime
To sustain the traffic spikes AWS infrastructure can grow for a period you need and then shrink back to normal.
Stay safe
Network firewalls, data encryption, identity, access control, and other tools are the benefits for AWS hosting user.
Stay online
AWS cloud solutions provide the highest level of server availability of up to 99.99% of the time.
Reduce spending
Optimized settings and the combination of AWS services can increase performance without adding extra resources.
Get Loyal Partner
Optimized settings and the combination of AWS services can increase performance without adding extra resources.